Amy Kay Sicinski, LMT
Professional Out-Call Massage & Therapeutic Bodywork
Massage Cupping

Benefits of ACE Massage Cupping™ Therapy

With a rich history of medical applications, how does ACE Massage Cupping™ fit into current medical and wellness practices and facilities?

Vacuum therapy is not an irritant to the skin or body.  It draws the inflammation out from deep in the tissues to be released. The skin can turn red with strong movements, indicating that circulation has been brought to the surface. Application of liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols and essential oil blends immediately after treatment will enable absorption of the product deep into the tissue.

Increased local blood supply to the muscles and skin will bring nourishment and allow for toxins to be carried away via the lymph.  Conditions of chronic and acute pain can be relieved with minimal discomfort and tense muscles softened quickly and easily.  ACE Massage Cupping™ is wonderfully effective to release restrictions in fascia and scar tissue, such as plantar fasciitis.

Larger cups are used for the broad areas of the back, and a strong vacuum will mimic the rolling action of deep tissue massage without the discomfort. The movement may be long and draining or circular and stimulating for stubborn knots and areas of rigid tissue. ACE Massage Cupping™ techniques can be used to mimic other massage modalities without stress on the hands of the therapist.

The action on the nervous system is sedating and people often fall into a deep state of relaxation. On a deeper therapeutic level, this nervous system sedation is beneficial for those with high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, chronic headaches, fibromyalgia and neuralgia. The sensation is truly beyond description! People have often reported a deep warmth and tingling sensation long after the treatment has ended.

Another effective application of ACE Massage Cupping™ is in the treatment of cellulite.  A very light suction provides drainage, while heavier application can be used to stimulate circulation, liquefy deposits of Solid Bloat and loosen adhesions or “dimpling.”  The thighs and hip region should be treated with vacuum therapy prior to any wrapping procedure to enhance the absorption of product.  Successful and enjoyable body sculpting and contouring is possible, with lasting results and many health benefits!

ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is a pleasant and gentle, non-invasive technique that achieves powerful results in:

Cellulite Reduction

Pain Reduction

Joint Mobilization

Lymph Drainage

Scar Reduction

Pre- and Post-Operative Therapy to
Shorten Recovery Time & Enhance Surgical Results

Releasing Tight, Contracted Muscle Tissue

Contouring the Face & Body

Assisting with Weight Loss Programs

Athletic Performance Enhancement

Detoxification – Movement of Stagnation

Skin Toning and Firming


Conditions that respond to ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy:


Poor Circulation


Insomnia & Anxiety



Asthma & Pneumonia

TMJ Dysfunction


Parkinson’s Disease

Chronic Pain





Lung Inflammation & Congestion

Migraine, Tension Heachaches, & Sinusitis

High Blood Pressure / Low Blood Pressure

Sluggish Colon & IBS

Stagnant Lymph Edema

Pre- & Post-Operative Conditions

Athletic Stress & Injury

Bursitis, Tendonitis, & Plantar Fasciitis

Scars & Adhesions

Spider Veins & Varicosities

Muscular Aches

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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